Upper Legs

Top 3 Upper Leg Exercises

1. Seated Leg Curls: Works your hamstrings. You need a machine to perform this on (Leg curl on bench press, leg curl machine, etc.). This exercise will be explained on a seated machine.
 1. Sit down on the machine and adjust the seat/back/pivot point. Secure the lap pad so it is snug on your thighs. Select the appropriate weight for you.
 2. Exhaling, pull the machine lever as far as possible to the back of your thighs by flexing at the knees. Keep your torso stationary at all times. Hold the position for a second.
 3. Slowly raise the machine level back up til you get to your starting position, but don't let the weights touch if you are continuing your reps.

2. Seated Leg Extensions: This exercise works on the quadriceps. You will need a leg extension machine (Can also be found on the front of some bench presses).
 1. Sit down on the machine and adjust the seat/back/pivot point. Select the appropriate weight for you.
 2. Exhaling, slowly raise the pad on your legs until your legs are almost straight.
 3. Inhaling, slowly lower your legs back down to the starting position, but don't let the weights touch if you are continuing your reps.

1. Bicycling: Surprisingly, yes. Vigorously riding your bike will work your thighs like no other. Obviously, you need a bicycle and somewhere to ride. You can also use a bicycle machine if you can't ride a bike outside.
 1. Riding a bike is pretty self explanatory, so I'll leave it up to you to do the riding.
Note: Ride your bicycle to places you normally would drive to, it saves gas and gets you in better shape! Ride to work, the store, for fun, etc.

Best item to buy for thighs: Bicycle

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