Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Daily Exercise

Exercise: Today's exercise is called the neck press, used for working out the chest (pectorals). It's called a neck press because basically it's a bench press but you touch the bar to your neck instead of the middle of your chest. Quite simple actually. You will need a weight bench, and a barbell to perform the neck press.
 1. Lay down on the flat bench press and grip the bar a little farther than shoulder-width apart; palms facing upward. 
 2. Push the bar off the rack and begin "bench pressing". 
 3. Once you reach the point at which the bar is supposed to hit your chest, don't let it. Instead, bring it down till it is touching your through then slowly bring it back up to your starting position.
 4. Repeat.
CAUTION: This exercise can be extremely dangerous. Never attempt it without a bench press spotter.

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