Exercise: Today's exercise is quite different but still has the same great effect, more muscle. The exercise today is for your forearms, and its called the Plate Pinch. Instead of two dumbbells you need two weight plates (that you would put on a bench press or curling bar).
1. Grab two plates and put them together. Your starting position is: using your fingers to grip the outside part of the plate and your thumb for the other side thus holding both plates together.
2. Squeeze the plate with your thumb and fingers and hold this position in the air for as long as you can. Try to hold this for 60-90 secs.
3. Repeat.
*Note: Don't rest the weights against your thighs.*
Monday, January 23, 2012
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Daily Exercise
Exercise: Today's exercise is for your obliques. Obliques are the muscle on the outside of your abs, they are just as important as your abs even though many people ignore simply them. Today's exercise can be performed with one kettle-bell or one heavier dumbbell.
1. Hold the bell in your hand, palm facing inwards. Let the dumbbell hang by your side and stand straight up, looking forward. This will be your starting position.
2. At your hips bend sideways until you can't bend sideways anymore. Then at the same pace, bend back upwards to your starting position.
3. Repeat.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Daily Exercise
Exercise: Today's exercise is for your lower back, and it's actually quite dangerous. It's called the Barbell Deadlift. If you perform this exercise right it can be your best friend, but if you do it wrong it can be your worst enemy. You only need a straight barbell.
1. Stand in front of the loaded barbell.
2. While keeping your back as straight as possible, bend your knees, bend forward and grasp the bar using a shoulder width overhand grip. This is your starting position.
3. While holding the bar, start the lift by pushing with your legs while simultaneously getting your torso to the upright position. In the upright position, stick your chest out and contract the back by bringing your shoulder blades back. If you do not know what this mean think of how the soldiers in the military look when they are in standing in attention.
4. Go back to the starting position by bending at the knees while simultaneously leaning your torso forward at the waist while keeping your back straight. When the weights on the bar touch the floor you are back at the starting position and ready to perform another rep.
5. Repeat.
1. Stand in front of the loaded barbell.
2. While keeping your back as straight as possible, bend your knees, bend forward and grasp the bar using a shoulder width overhand grip. This is your starting position.
3. While holding the bar, start the lift by pushing with your legs while simultaneously getting your torso to the upright position. In the upright position, stick your chest out and contract the back by bringing your shoulder blades back. If you do not know what this mean think of how the soldiers in the military look when they are in standing in attention.
4. Go back to the starting position by bending at the knees while simultaneously leaning your torso forward at the waist while keeping your back straight. When the weights on the bar touch the floor you are back at the starting position and ready to perform another rep.
5. Repeat.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Daily Exercise
Exercise: Forearms, forearms, forearms. Believe me, it's on everybody minds, and today's exercise will help them grow big and strong. It's called seated dumbbell wrist curls. It sounds complicated but if you just analyze the name, you can see its quite simple. To perform this you need a place to sit and a dumbbell.
1. Sit down on your seat and grip the dumbbell in one hand like you are going to curl it. Rest your elbow on your thigh so that (starting at your wrist) your hand is hanging in the air.
2. Slowly, bending only your wrist, curl the dumbbell. This will use work only your forearms.
3. Repeat.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Daily Exercise
Exercise: Today's exercise works your chest like no other, they're called Around The Worlds. They are so effective because the work all of your chest muscles, not just the main pectoral. A lot of people prefer to do this exercise after bench pressing, but it will still be effective anytime in your workout. You need a flat bench and a pair of dumbbells.
1. After laying on the bench grip the dumbbells like you are about to curl them and put your arms straight out so that the dumbbells are at your hip.
2. Keeping your arms parallel to the floor (for the whole exercise), slowly bring your arms back (keeping them straight) until they touch behind your head.
3. Slowly bring them back to your starting position and repeat.
1. After laying on the bench grip the dumbbells like you are about to curl them and put your arms straight out so that the dumbbells are at your hip.
2. Keeping your arms parallel to the floor (for the whole exercise), slowly bring your arms back (keeping them straight) until they touch behind your head.
3. Slowly bring them back to your starting position and repeat.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
New Workout!
New Workout added today! Check it out! It's a old-time classic workout that combines hard work and no rest for a amazing gain in muscle and a loss in excess flab. It's called the Total Body Blast Test!
Click here to check it out!
Click here to check it out!
Daily Exercise
Exercise: Today's exercise is all legs, and when I say legs I your mean quadriceps (front of legs). They exercise is called Frog Hops, and they're brutal. They sound like a little kid move, but just get somewhere to jump and you'll see how "little kid" they are.
1. Your starting position will be standing with your hands behind your head, and squatting down keeping your torso upright and your head straight.
2. Jump forward as far as you can, avoiding unnecessary height. As your feet hit the ground, absorb the impact with your legs, and jump again. Repeat this 5-10 times.
1. Your starting position will be standing with your hands behind your head, and squatting down keeping your torso upright and your head straight.
2. Jump forward as far as you can, avoiding unnecessary height. As your feet hit the ground, absorb the impact with your legs, and jump again. Repeat this 5-10 times.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Daily Exercise
Exercise: Today's exercise works a ton of muscles in your body, a workout in one exercise. It's called the Farmers Walk. The muscles it works is forearms, abs, glutes, hamstrings, lower back, quads, and traps. Basically it'll work your abs, back and forearms. You need just a pair of heavy dumbbells.
1. Put the dumbbells next to your feet on the ground and grip them palms facing in.
2. After gripping the handles lift the bells up by driving through your heels, keeping your back straight and your head up.
3. Walk taking short, quick steps, and don't forget to breathe. Move for a given distance, typically 50-100 feet, as fast as possible. Remember to walk though, not run.
1. Put the dumbbells next to your feet on the ground and grip them palms facing in.
2. After gripping the handles lift the bells up by driving through your heels, keeping your back straight and your head up.
3. Walk taking short, quick steps, and don't forget to breathe. Move for a given distance, typically 50-100 feet, as fast as possible. Remember to walk though, not run.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Daily Exercise
Exercise: Today's exercise is for your shoulders, it's called the Military Press and if your familiar with weight training you probably have heard of it before. The military press isn't just for your shoulders though, it works almost all of your arms and chest. You need a barbell and somewhere to stand. So without further wait here is how to do this exercise:
1. Hold the bar as if you are going to reverse curl it and then bring the bar up to shoulder height.
2. Press the bar upward until your arms are extended overhead. Then lower the bar back to shoulder height and
3. Repeat.
1. Hold the bar as if you are going to reverse curl it and then bring the bar up to shoulder height.
2. Press the bar upward until your arms are extended overhead. Then lower the bar back to shoulder height and
3. Repeat.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Daily Exercise
Exercise: The Zottman Curl, a brutal exercise that works mainly your biceps and forearms. People all over are claiming it's the best of the best, and trust me it is. It works you out like no other. Try it out now. You need dumbbells and somewhere to stand.
1. Grip the two dumbbells as if you are going to curl them, then actually curl them.
2. Once you hit the bells on your shoulders, pause, rotating your hands so when you go back down to your starting position your palms are facing out. This is one rep.
3. Once you get back down to your starting position, rotate your hands back around to the regular curling position.
3. Repeat.
1. Grip the two dumbbells as if you are going to curl them, then actually curl them.
2. Once you hit the bells on your shoulders, pause, rotating your hands so when you go back down to your starting position your palms are facing out. This is one rep.
3. Once you get back down to your starting position, rotate your hands back around to the regular curling position.
3. Repeat.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Daily Exercise
Exercise: Today's exercise is all about the hamstrings, abdominals, and lower back. It's called Good Morning, it's a quite simple exercise and also fun. You need a barbell, preferably a squat rack.
1. Begin with your barbell on a rack at shoulder height. Rack the bar across the rear of your shoulders as you would a squat, not on top of your shoulders. Keep your back tight, knees a little bent and your shoulder blades pinched together. To start step back from the rack.
2. Begin by bending at the hips, moving them back as you bend over to near parallel. Keep your back arched and your cervical spine in proper alignment.
3. Reverse the motion by extending through the hips with your glutes and hamstrings. Continue until you have returned to the starting position.
4. Repeat.
1. Begin with your barbell on a rack at shoulder height. Rack the bar across the rear of your shoulders as you would a squat, not on top of your shoulders. Keep your back tight, knees a little bent and your shoulder blades pinched together. To start step back from the rack.
2. Begin by bending at the hips, moving them back as you bend over to near parallel. Keep your back arched and your cervical spine in proper alignment.
3. Reverse the motion by extending through the hips with your glutes and hamstrings. Continue until you have returned to the starting position.
4. Repeat.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Daily Exercise
Exercise: Today's exercise is for all the ladies out there, it works you glutes (butt). This is an extremely beneficial exercise to make you glutes firm and toned, it's call flutter kicks. All you need to perform this is a flat bench to lay on.
1. On a flat bench lie face down with your hips on the edge of the bench, your legs straight with toes high off the floor and with your arms on top of the bench holding on to the front edge for support.
2. Your starting position will be squeezing your butt/legs and straightening your legs until they are level with your hips.
3. Lift your right leg into the air (keeping it straight) until it is at about a 45% angle to your left leg. Then bring it back down until it's parallel with your left leg and do the same with your left leg.
4. Repeat.
1. On a flat bench lie face down with your hips on the edge of the bench, your legs straight with toes high off the floor and with your arms on top of the bench holding on to the front edge for support.
2. Your starting position will be squeezing your butt/legs and straightening your legs until they are level with your hips.
3. Lift your right leg into the air (keeping it straight) until it is at about a 45% angle to your left leg. Then bring it back down until it's parallel with your left leg and do the same with your left leg.
4. Repeat.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Daily Exercise
Exercise: Today's exercise is called the neck press, used for working out the chest (pectorals). It's called a neck press because basically it's a bench press but you touch the bar to your neck instead of the middle of your chest. Quite simple actually. You will need a weight bench, and a barbell to perform the neck press.
1. Lay down on the flat bench press and grip the bar a little farther than shoulder-width apart; palms facing upward.
2. Push the bar off the rack and begin "bench pressing".
3. Once you reach the point at which the bar is supposed to hit your chest, don't let it. Instead, bring it down till it is touching your through then slowly bring it back up to your starting position.
4. Repeat.
CAUTION: This exercise can be extremely dangerous. Never attempt it without a bench press spotter.
1. Lay down on the flat bench press and grip the bar a little farther than shoulder-width apart; palms facing upward.
2. Push the bar off the rack and begin "bench pressing".
3. Once you reach the point at which the bar is supposed to hit your chest, don't let it. Instead, bring it down till it is touching your through then slowly bring it back up to your starting position.
4. Repeat.
CAUTION: This exercise can be extremely dangerous. Never attempt it without a bench press spotter.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
New Workout!
New Workout added today! Check it out! It's a workout specifically made for serious gains in muscle and strength, in just 28 days.
Click here to check it out!
Click here to check it out!
Did You Know?

Daily Exercise
Exercise: 45 degree incline dumbbell curls. Yeah, it sounds vicious, but the truth is it's just a long name. This one focuses primarily on your biceps. Lying on an incline bench causes your arms to hang behind your body, which emphasizes the long head of your biceps to a greater degree. Therefore making them bigger than ever. You need a 45 degree bench and two dumbbells.
1. Grip the dumbbells like you are about to curl them, then sit down on the incline bench. Let the dumbbells hang down.
2. Curl the bells until they hit your shoulder then slowly lower them back down (don't let your arms lock straight because you want to work your biceps the whole exercise and if they lock gravity starts working not your biceps).
3. Repeat.
1. Grip the dumbbells like you are about to curl them, then sit down on the incline bench. Let the dumbbells hang down.
2. Curl the bells until they hit your shoulder then slowly lower them back down (don't let your arms lock straight because you want to work your biceps the whole exercise and if they lock gravity starts working not your biceps).
3. Repeat.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Daily Exercise
Exercise: This is one for your calves. They are the primary muscle is your lower leg (below your knees) and when they are big and strong you'll be looking bad-ass. It's called the calf-raise. This is done on a squat rack. If you don't have a squat rack you can do it on a flat barbell but it isn't recommended because it is harder to keep balance and injuries are easily made.
1. Unrack the bar as if you were going to do squats and move your feet shoulder width apart or a bit closer while keeping your knees straight.
2. Stand up onto your tippy toes and hold this position for a second to enhance the peak contraction in the calves.
3. Lower your heels back to the floor. Repeat.
1. Unrack the bar as if you were going to do squats and move your feet shoulder width apart or a bit closer while keeping your knees straight.
2. Stand up onto your tippy toes and hold this position for a second to enhance the peak contraction in the calves.
3. Lower your heels back to the floor. Repeat.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Daily Exercise
Exercise: The Dragon Flag, invented and used by the one and only Bruce Lee. This is an intense exercise seen in Rocky IV, used by MMA fighters and Bruce Lee. It works out your abs/core.
1. Lie on a decline bench and grab the edge of it behind your head with both hands. Create tension throughout your whole body, starting with your traps, lats, and arms, and on down through your core and legs.
2. Swing your feet upward until your body is almost vertical keeping your shoulder blades still on the bench. Keep your abdomen tight and your body as straight as possible while pointing up in the air. Slowly lower your feet under control until they are just above the bench. Lift your legs back up in the air again to complete a rep.
3. Repeat.
1. Lie on a decline bench and grab the edge of it behind your head with both hands. Create tension throughout your whole body, starting with your traps, lats, and arms, and on down through your core and legs.
2. Swing your feet upward until your body is almost vertical keeping your shoulder blades still on the bench. Keep your abdomen tight and your body as straight as possible while pointing up in the air. Slowly lower your feet under control until they are just above the bench. Lift your legs back up in the air again to complete a rep.
3. Repeat.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Daily Exercise
Exercise: This is an exercise targeting all of your arms, to make them big and bold. Not to mention it also help's out your back a ton. It's called the inverted row, you may of heard of it. You just need a bar to use.
1. Lay on the ground with a bar stabilized arms length away from you.
2. Grip the bar with your hands shoulder with apart, palms facing away from you.
3. Pull up until your chin is over the bar and then pull down. I say pull down here because going down works out muscles too, it's not all pulling up.
4. Repeat.
1. Lay on the ground with a bar stabilized arms length away from you.
2. Grip the bar with your hands shoulder with apart, palms facing away from you.
3. Pull up until your chin is over the bar and then pull down. I say pull down here because going down works out muscles too, it's not all pulling up.
4. Repeat.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Daily Exercise
Exercise: This is a good exercise for your traps (upper back). It's called the dumbbell shrug. It's quite self-explanatory. You will need just a pair of dumbbells and somewhere to stand.
1. Grab your dumbbells and find a place to stand. Grab them with your palms facing you.
2. Keep your arms down at your sides hanging in the air and shrug your shoulders up.
3. Repeat. Look at picture for help.
1. Grab your dumbbells and find a place to stand. Grab them with your palms facing you.
2. Keep your arms down at your sides hanging in the air and shrug your shoulders up.
3. Repeat. Look at picture for help.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Daily Exercise
Exercise: Here's a good exercise to workout your forearms. This is sure to make them as hard as rock. It's called the reverse barbell curl. It's almost the same exact thing as a standard barbell curl, except you palms are facing outwards instead of towards you. Remember to keep your elbows locked into your sides while doing this for maximum potential. Look at the picture for reference.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Daily Exercise
Exercise: An exercise for people looking for a whole body blast! Its name says it all, the death crawl. It is treacherous, amazing exercise. It works your chest, shoulders, triceps, biceps, and back. You need simply two dumbbells.
1. Position yourself in the up push up position grasping the dumbbells in your hands and do push-ups.
2. Row the dumbbell in your right/left hand up the side of your chest while in the up push-up position then lower back down.
3. "Walk" the dumbbell forward step by step, then stop your hands and walk your feet up until you can stand up.
4. Stand up and do 3+ dumbbell jump squats. Holding the dumbbells at your sides, bend your knees to a squat position then explosively jump up.
That's 1 rep of the death crawl, brutal right?
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